Sequencers & Genome Mapping

Sequel (Pacific Bioscience of California, Inc.)

The Single Molecule Realtime Sequencing technology (SMRT) from Pacific Biosciences provides sequencing of very long fragments at moderate throughput, particularly interesting for de-novo sequencing projects and Isoform detection.
Location: CRTD R 3.114 - South Wing; MPI-CBG - first floor

NovaSeq 6000 (Illumina, Inc.)

The used Illumina Sequencer offers highest throughput single or paired end sequencing for read lengths up to 150 bp per direction. The NovaSeq is an ultra high output system with up to almost 10 Bill sequenced fragments / flowcell.
Location: CRTD R 3.114 - South Wing

HiSeq 2500 (Illumina, Inc.)

The used Illumina Sequencer offers high throughput single or paired end sequencing for read lengths up to 300 bp. The HiSeq 2500 is a high output system with up to 200 Mio reads / lane.
Location: CRTD R 3.114 - South Wing

NextSeq 500 (Illumina, Inc.)

The used Illumina Sequencer is a fast mid output system for single or paired end sequencing for read lengths of 75 and 150 bp, with up to 400 Mio reads per run.
Location: CRTD R 3.114 - South Wing

MiSeq (Illumina, Inc.)

The Sequencer offers high throughput single or paired end sequencing with long read length (300 bp).
Location: CRTD R 3.114 - South Wing

Saphyr (Bionano)

The Saphyr provides long-range genome mapping by its optical mapping technology. 
Location: MPI-CBG - first floor

Promethion24 (Oxford Nanopore)

The Promethion24 provides long-range sequencing capabilities at the Center. It is particularly interesting for de-novo projects and direct RNA sequencing.
Location: CRTD R 3.114 - South Wing