NGS-CN Summer School on Spatial Transcriptomics!

The DRESDEN-concept Genome Center is excited to announce that this year, we will be hosting the NGS-CN Summer School on Spatial Transcriptomics!

The summer school will be organized into two modules:

This hybrid module is designed to provide an extensive overview of single-cell and spatial transcriptomics technologies, offering both foundational knowledge as well as advanced insights into their applications.May 14 to May 16 (9:00 to 15:00)

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (both online & in person at the CRTD, Auditorium on the right)


To encourage networking, we will provide coffee breaks.

  • May 14: Talks focusing on single-cell transcriptomics
  • May 15: Talks focusing on spatial transcriptomics
  • May 16: Scientific symposium with an amazing lineup of speakers

Hands-On Module:
In-person training (restricted to 15 participants) focusing on spatial transcriptomics, including both benchwork and bioinformatics analysis.
May 19 to May 21 at the CRTD

Applications open until March 3rd.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity!

For more information and registration, please visit the website: []


