Sample submission, step-by-step
1. Lab project
To submit your samples you first need to create a lab project. Please share all relevant information in the description and notes fields, so we can assign your project to our processing pipeline as soon as possible.
For entering the type of sample, please use the drop-down menu. If the sample type does not exist, please specify "custom" and describe them in the notes field.
If you request bioinformatic analysis, we kindly ask you to give as much details as possible on what type of analysis it is needed (use the notes field), or contact us beforehand to discuss the research question and experimental setup. Our lab and bioinformatics experts can give valuable advice about how to best design your sequencing project and which type of information one can get from it.
2. Samples
Once a project is created, you can now add samples to it. Please fill in all fields, especially the notes field to describe how samples were processed, which media they are in, fragment size distribution for DNA (if applicable) and RIN values for RNA samples (highly recommended).
It is also possible to add samples to an existing project when project status is set to "not started".
For large-scale projects with many samples (e.g. plate-based), we support batch submissions with excel sheets. Please contact us ( to get the excel template. Once all samples are entered into the file, please send it back to us and we enter them into the system.
General best practices for sample submission:
- Quantify your samples as precisely as possible (Qubit, Bioanalyzer). We do not recommend Nanodrop quantification since is not accurate enough for NGS purposes. Potential inconsistencies will delay sample processing and might require a re-submission of samples if we find the material to be insuficient for the application's purpose.
- Label your tubes with clear writing, using the assigned sample ID's in the sample submission dialog. Please make sure to always add the project ID to your samples!
- If submitting multiple samples, it is highly important that all samples contain the same amount of DNA/RNA in the same volume. This assures a fast processing time.
- We recommend to use 8-strip tubes with single lids (VWR #732-0545) or twin.tec® 96/384-well PCR plates from Eppendorf.
- RNA samples should be delivered on dry ice; DNA samples should be delivered on ice (NEVER use liquid nitrogen with the 8-strip PCR tubes to avoid opening/cracking of tubes).
- Samples for long-read sequencing applications have special shipment requirements. Please get in touch with the long-read team ( beforehand for support.
- For further information please get in touch via
3. Sample delivery
Once lab project has been created and sample information has been submitted, simply drop by or ship the samples to us (preferably in a small plastic bag with your name, working group and project ID).
We receive samples daily from 8.00 - 17.00h. If needed, we can receive samples outside this time window; please contact us in advance to coordinate the delivery ( or 0351 - 458 82 362).
The Genome Center is located at the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), 3rd floor south. For shipping, please use the following address:
DRESDEN-concept Genome Center
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden
Technische Universität Dresden
Fetscherstraße 105
01307 Dresden
4. Processing status
Samples are given different states according to their progression in the prep and sequencing pipelines:
Fresh: Samples are delivered, Library Prep hasn’t start yet
In preparation: samples are currently on the bench
Postponed: No Library Prep is not planed in the near future
Finished: Library Prep has been finished, samples are ready for sequencing
You can follow up on the status of your project at the UserNet.