Category: Events

  • NGS-CN Summer School on Spatial Transcriptomics!

    The DRESDEN-concept Genome Center is excited to announce that this year, we will be hosting the NGS-CN Summer School on Spatial Transcriptomics! The summer school will be organized into two modules: This hybrid module is designed to provide an extensive overview of single-cell and spatial transcriptomics technologies, offering both foundational knowledge as well as advanced insights into their applications.May 14 to May…

  • Technology Talk: Spatial genomics with Xenium and Visium

    Julieta Aprea from the Spatial Omics unit at the DcGC will present on the 29th of November 2024 at the BCUBE B2B Hour, discussing recent advancements in established workflows for spatial sequencing and in situ sequencing at the Genome Center.

  • Recent progress on cell segmentation with Xenium data

    Andreas Petzold from our bioinformatics team will speak at the DRESDEN campus Single Cell Seminar about recent progress on cell segmentation with in-situ sequencing data from the Xenium platform. Wednesday, 27th November, at 13:00 in MPI-CBG, SR1. 

  • DRESDEN-concept Genome Center’s Spatial Omics Symposium 2024

    We are happy to announce the DRESDEN-concept Genome Center’s Spatial Omics Symposium on Nov 21 2024, to celebrate the launch of our SPATIAL OMICS unit at the DcGC. The DRESDEN-concept Genome Center team is spacially 🙃 excited to announce the official launch of our Spatial Omics Unit! To celebrate, we are hosting a scientific symposium where…