Supported plastics for sample submission
Samples can only be submitted in 96-well plates, 384-well plates or 8-strip PCR tubes with single lids. Strips or plates that are fully compatible with our systems are Sarstedt strips (#72.991.002), Eppendorf 96-well twin.tec® skirted PCR plates (e.g. 0030128648) and 4titude 384-well FrameStar plates (Cat. no. 4ti-LB0384/C). These can be provided upon request. When submitting in plates please fill them column-wise w/o empty wells in between.
Clear labeling of tubes & plates!
Please identify tubes/samples with clear and short labels, e.g. with the sample ID (created in Rosalind during online sample submission) or a running index clearly referenced under the corresponding samples submitted over the Rosalind Portal.