Single-cell RNA-seq Analysis
Package Overview
Analysis and interpretation of single-cell (or single-nuclei) RNA-seq data
- Single-cell datasets with at least 100 cells
- Samples processed with 10x Genomics, Smart-seq2, Parse Biosciences, or similar (after consultation)
- Sufficient sequencing depth according to the technology-specific recommendation
- Replicates recommended for the identification of differentially expressed genes
- Mapping of sequencing data and generation of a cell-x-gene count matrix
- Quality control, filtering of low quality cells and normalization
- Multi-sample integration and batch effect removal
- Clustering and visualization
- Identification and functional annotation of marker genes
- Analysis of cell composition differences
- Identification of differentially expressed genes
- Mapped sequencing data and counts
- Extensive HTML report with plots, tables and documentation
- Result files for further analysis (Excel, RDS, CSV)
- Files for interactive exploration of the data (Loupe and cellxgene)
Advanced Analysis
- Identification of cell-types based on either existing single-cell datasets (provided counts and cell type annotation are available) or cell type markers
- Trajectory inference and pseudotime analysis
- Cell-to-cell communication analysis